Dear Nice Doggies

The Dog Lover's Source for Friendly and Gentle Yard Sign Reminders

Dog lovers, are you tired of spots in your lawn and having to “watch where you step” in your own front yard because of visiting dog doo? Now you can “post” a friendly message to your doggie neighbors and their families! Click on a sign to order (be sure to include a metal sign holder to support your sign)!

Dear NIce Doggies Logo


You may also enjoy visiting our cat lovers’ Kitten_Caboodle store, the wide selection of products to inspire and amuse at Brook_Songe_Depot, and our astronomically fun Team_Pluto_Space store filled with planets and stars, all available on Zazzle.

Here’s to creating positive fun!


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            Brook Songe Depot                                   Kitten Caboodle                         Team Pluto Space


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ABOUT US: As fellow dog lovers, we happily moved into our house next to the Dog Park, where we could meet and befriend neighboring pet owners. The surprise was that all too often dogs couldn’t seem to tell where the dog park ended and our front lawn began! We looked around for friendly signs and when we couldn’t find any, we started making our own “Dear Nice Doggies” signs! Our neighbors know we love their canines, so we came up with light humorous notes addressed to their pets. Our goal was to offer a ‘gentle reminder’ to pets to help them ‘along’ in their daily duty and make our lives a lot easier as well! We started getting requests from people who enjoy our signs, including neighborhood dog owners who appreciate the more friendly approach. Now that Dear Nice Doggie signs are available at our store, we hope you and your neighborhood canine pals will enjoy them as well!  Be sure to order the metal sign holder for posting your sign along with your sign purchase! Welcome, and thank you for visiting and sharing this site and our other websites. We’ll keep adding fun new products there and hope you’ll visit often. ~ Brook Songe Productions